Saturday, March 7, 2020

the truth unmasked.

pandemics are nasty affairs, no doubt about that. they’re disruptive, scary, freaky, even deadly. what happened to the days when all we had to deal with were good old-fashioned epidemics. i pine for those simpler times. 

that being said, i must add that there’s one aspect of pandemics: h1n1, corona or whatever, that irks me most of all. obviously i’m not into sickness, suffering and death. but, i really do not like those masks. for one thing it’s not a good look. people wearing surgical masks look uncool. and they’re uncomfortable, inconvenient and kinda scary looking. are they even legal in quebec?

i recently read an open letter written by a virologist to a local community group listing the recommended preventative measures to take. the letter, of course, strongly suggested incessant hand-washing, openning doors with your elbows, avoiding ones own face, keeping disinfectant hand-wipes available at all times. we used to call that ‘obsessive compulsive disorder.’ it turns out ocd folks were right and we’re the ones with issues. and, of course, then there are those masks. 

they say that mostly the old people are dying, and mostly old men, which is odd. because for the most part we’re already in self-quarantine. and i suspect others take great solace in knowing they’ll probably survive. of course, people already with underlying health problems may not feel so relaxed. but, maybe this is some sort of naturally-occurring form of eugenics, a way to slow down over-population, the creative intelligence saving the planet from climate change. 

whatever may be the case, as far as i’m concerned if the choice ends up being death or the wearing of a mask at all times, well, i’ll have to think about it for a bit. anyway, they’re no longer available and my papers are in order. 


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