The Power of Love.
This simple meditation technique is close to my heart. In fact, it's close to everyones heart. Here's how it goes:
Sit comfortably, close your eyes and just think about a person you‘ve loved with all your heart. Dwell upon that person, or even that pet, you have been most enamored of, most attached to, the being whose presence you have most treasured. Even if he, she or it is physically no longer in your life, even if the memory causes you pain, don't turn your thoughts away from the very real love. Just think about that beloved being.
Then, after a few moments, let go of the thought of that person or being and put your attention simply on the feeling. Feel the feeling. Dwell upon the feeling, that intense and beautiful love. Because the feeling existed long before the object of your love came in front of your eyes and other senses. Slowly then, follow the feeling to its source deep within you. Recognize that heart-space within you. The feeling and that space have always been there. Dwell upon the feeling within that space.
Eventually, after a while, you can envision that space to be like a pond that, when a pebble is tossed onto it, causes ripples. Imagine those ripples, those vibrations, spreading throughout your body. Envision with your mind’s-eye those vibrations of love flooding your system with all that goodness. Feel the life-sustaining, healing power of love spreading throughout your own body.
You can dwell upon the feeling within that place, that heart-space, for as long as you wish: a minute, twenty minutes. And you can envision the force of your love and affection vibrating to every part of your own self. And you can also envision the power of your love and affection vibrating beyond: to embrace your beloved, your family, friends, your community, and back.
When you’re done, wipe your hands together, gently over your eyes. Then get up and make yourself a nice cup of coffee or tea.