Wednesday, March 25, 2020

the dawn blessed day.

the mornings these days don’t simply dawn, they welcome us, unfold and invite us in with a greeting that’s almost an embrace. i suppose they’ve always done that. perhaps many of us have been taking the mornings, like so many other aspects of the life, for granted. not now, not these mornings.

even before first light there seems to be an awakening of new hope each time. even before one opens ones eyes there seems to be an appreciation for the grand opening about to occur. because it’s happened already within us. if we haven’t lived in the moment or understood the concept we do now, these days, these mornings.

an absolute bliss consciousness opens, unfolds, awakens, dawns: dawn, blessed day your light to show. ever bright we hope you be. every moment of peace we trust you know. every moment of time we want thee. the darkness may seem the way, until dawn, blessed day the light you show. and every moment of peace we begin to know, each hour of time we wait for thee. dawn, clearest pure light, only you can save us. dispeller of the dim bleak night, bringing dawn the life you gave us.

the mornings these days don’t simply dawn, they welcome us, unfold and invite us in with a greeting that’s almost an embrace. i suppose they’ve always done that. perhaps many of us have been taking the mornings, like so many other aspects of the life, for granted. not now, not these mornings. 

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