just a simple ps.
ps; one brief comment i made last night, i don’t think you quite heard or i did not explain myself properly. here is what i meant to say: i do not really believe in enlightenment, nirvana or total self realization. i do not really believe any more that gautam buddha, jesus christ, swami muktananda, ekhart tolle or anyone else before or now, know directly god. i do not even know what the word god means. two people discussing god really need to define the term in order to have a proper discussion. i have said, and written, that i believe now that the best an individual human can do is become ok with the inevitable dissolution of ones own existence by daily tuning into the universal very essential life itself. where that essential life comes from is an unanswerable on-going enquiry. and i believe all those great masters and teachers who have said or intimated that they know the answer have either been lying or are self deluded. however, the experience, cessation of experience, if you will, or samadhi that affords one the realization or cognition of the all-permeating life should at the same time not be minimized. it is fabulously freeing, bliss-inducing beyond measure, and a tremendous blessing. also, in the light of that tremendous essence the differentiating between races, creeds, colours etc, as you very rightly pointed out, is a form of insanity. in the light of that essential all-permeating life, we are all one.