Sunday, January 27, 2019

the survivalist.

it has been brought to my attention that propane fumes can kill while kerosene might only cause brain damage. i found that information strangely reassuring. and so of course i opted for a kerosene heater when shopping around for a backup heat source. 

the fact is my new kerosene heater’s a backup to my backup. i installed a fabulously expensive propane fireplace a few years ago fundamentally for power outages just like the one we endured last week. my neighbour had texted me about the outage while i was in ottawa, and she did mention power wasn’t expected before eleven that night. i was largely unconcerned because of my propane fireplace. the battery-pack would keep the pilot light lit, it’d kick into action according to the temperature i’d set it at. what could possibly go wrong?

upon my return the house did feel a little nippy. so i immediately trundled off down the stairs only to discover the dam thing hadn’t kicked into action at all. and i couldn’t get the thing to work for love nor money. it looked good, styled as an iron antique wood-stove with fake logs behind a front glass. it always worked well while the house was on the grid, so to speak. but it remained spectacularly dormant on that occassion just when i needed it most. and to make matters worse my little propane heater, camping stove and all my candles were at the cottage. 

anyway, i did what any seasoned survivalist and world traveller would do in a situation like that. i drove over to tim hortons. 

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