why the long face?
'don't look for peace. don't look for any other state than the one you're in right now. accept your not being at peace. the moment you completely accept your non-peace, your non-peace becomes transmuted into peace. anything you accept fully will get you there, will take you into peace. that's the miracle of letting go.' adapted from a quote by eckhart tolle.
while stubbornly continuing to play basketball long after my best before date, a nasty and equally stubborn soreness in my back and side has sent me finally to the bench. the good news is that i've come upon quite an effective treatment. the procedure's simple, free, can be done at home and without any need for fancy equipment. best of all, it begins to work almost immediately. it's called 'don't do nothin.' you simply stop doing stuff.
to say it requires no fancy equipment might be somewhat misleading because a nice recliner helps tremendously with the treatments. and to say it's free is certainly misleading. there's no actual cost involved. that's true. however, you'll almost certainly subscribe to extra streaming services, especially sports channels, to watch people doing stuff you can no longer do. you're gonna need a larger and smarter television and you'll probably buy things off amazon you don't need.
all i can say is that the 'don't do nothin' modality has been working for me. and its healing power goes far beyond physical aches and pains. i highly recommend it. in fact, in the name of full disclosure i should mention that i've long been a practitioner of the modality. i've simply called it by a fancier name, sometimes even sanskrit, for marketting purposes. but, really, it's all about the fine art of letting go.
'last night i lost the world and gained the universe.' anonymous.
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