Friday, June 29, 2018

the question.

somewhere and nowhere where silence hangs thick as dust, where blueness and blackness mingle in deep apparent endlessness, in opaque beginning-less-ness. 
sometime and in no time at all when in the blink of a love-filled i remains in the heart forever.
we know you as me in the mirrored labyrinth of us, as someone and not just anyone understanding the pangs of multiple creations and the ecstasies of being.
just remember and kindly recognize me as i join the rest again in hidden answers revealed, in boundless relief once concealed from the one and all.
somewhere and nowhere where silence hangs thick as dust, where blueness and blackness mingle in deep apparent endlessness, in opaque beginning-less-ness. 

there may well be a formless original blue-black space, emerging out of which comes a procession of multitudinous forms and phenomena. 
lying within that consciousness, fused eternally by the direct cognition or recognition of the space we travel, the labyrinth of life constantly reflecting a brilliance in the heart and mind. 
there’s an openness borne of experience through silence yet so far full of frequent doubts while we travel as one, an endless enquiry.
toward deeper understanding we move, buffeted by winds of new possibilities or old awarenesses recollected. 
and it is endless, this not really knowing the formless and the formed, the beginning and the end that may be found in this eternal moment.   


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