Tuesday, May 22, 2018

the fullness.

before this time so full approach this place

where godliness itself descends for grace
so new and yet still older than these hills
themselves watching as the moon fills

with a light only opened eyes have ever really seen

perfectly brilliant so serene
to worship with devotion as enlightenment grown
into a potent magic upon a diamond throne

herald the vision from within that luminous coach

a dream becomes more than a dream upon its approach
an illusion becomes more than an illusion with a smile
to rule forever with majestic style

forever as master of all it lights

from above below and all within moon-lit sights
a knowledge of possibilities once grasped
an understanding of all our futures passed

before this time so full approach this place

where godliness itself descends for grace
one life one life the fullness of the moon
the fullness of the moon. 

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