Saturday, October 28, 2017

maybe you can take it with you after all.

after gord downie passed on i really apprecisted the story a musician friend of his told about how gord would always take the fences down from around the ‘tragically hip’s’ trailer wherever they’d be. it was a great point about gord and the hip, but what i especially appreciated was how the guy made an even greater point about tearing down fences between people and cultures.

gord was younger than me. prince, leonard cohen, glenn campbell, david bowie, greg allmand etc, etc, some younger, some older, all gone. tom petty was my age, died on my birthday, which was weird. so anyway i decided to buy a new truck before my old one died. although the new one i chose is actually far from new it’s certainly a fancier one than i’ve ever had. it’ll take me a while to figure out the console. the electric lumbar support is ridiculous, can’t leave it alone. the heated seats are the closest thing to eroticism i’ve experienced in years. my only problem is that i know i’m gonna wanna take it with me.

someone recently asked if i’d pray and meditate for her sick husband who was in the hospital and of course i did. his condition remained unchanged although apparently the fellow in the next bed had a remarkable recovery. i suppose i’ve always been a little off. in the midst of the ups and downs, comings and goings, we do what we can do, for ourselves, our dear ones. in the end perhaps only the love remains.

before getting my new old truck registered i meditated in it, fell asleep i guess and afterward i noticed ‘8:45’ on the dashboard. i wondered why it was still dark out until i realized it wasn’t morning, it was evening. a few days earlier during a meditation i wondered for a moment if i was in india or canada. most everyone can relate to these phenomenon.

so i'll tell you what someone once told me and what sages through the ages have said: that underlying and animating these bodies is a stream of consciousness, a spark of life which is eternal, not bound by time and space. i know very little about that, only hints and whispers within my inner life. but if there’s one string connecting the many beads of a necklace, if there’s one sap permeating all the leaves of a tree, if water permeates each wave on the ocean, why would there not be one life one love permeating you and i, pure, free, forever (?)


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