quotes and misquotes.
"in a gentle way, you can shake the world." mahatma ghandi.
"until i met my guru i knew so many things. now i know nothing, for all knowledge is in dream only and not valid. i know myself and find no birth or death in me, only pure being, not being this or that, but just being." nisargadatta.
"until i met my guru i knew so many things. now i know many more things although nothing for sure. i know myself best of all and cannot entirely grasp the concept of death, just being, just life". nathan.
"meditation is very painful in the beginning but bestows immortal bliss and supreme joy in the end." swami sivananda.
"meditation is quite nice at the beginning but almost unbelievably blissful and deeply joyful by the end". nathan.
"god is all-full. he is self-contained. he is eternal satisfaction." swami sivananda.
"god is awful. he or she has caused eternal strife". nathan
"the man who has perceived god looks upon all types of men as dream motion-picture images, made of the relativities of the light of cosmic consciousness and the shadows of delusion" paramahansa yogananda.
"the man or woman who has perceived god looks upon all types of men and women, of all races and colors, as precious shimmering lights of a comic consciousness". nathan.
"give to everyone who begs from you, and of him who takes away your goods do not ask them again. and as you wish that men would do to you, do so to them" jesus christ.
"give to everyone who begs from you according to your capacity. and of him or her who takes away your goods, ask them again. and, most importantly, as you wish that men or women would do to you, do so to them." nathan.
"the surest way to cheer yourself up is to cheer somebody else up." mark twain.
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