Tuesday, November 29, 2016

the gas station lady.

a tall, dark-haired, rather predatory-looking lady came out from a back room to take payment for the gas my old truck had ingested. "yes, my dear," she said as she assumed her position behind the counter. it was an unusually small station, in merrickville, and the lady kept on with the dear this and dear that while i reflected upon the friendliness of small towns. maybe people are friendlier in villages rather than cities, but that's not a generalization i'm entirely comfortable with. especially since i heard the lady tell her friend that she was looking forward to goin dear hunting next day. but, i keep thinking how nice it was to hear someone call me dear, and i thought maybe i should go back for a visit. she's taller than me, younger, and i realize i could end up mounted on her wall. but, hey, i'm pretty sure we could decide between us where would be the best place for me to be mounted. i'm just sayin...


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