Friday, February 17, 2012

Meditation with Nathan.

Meditation With Nathan: My evening in traffic court did not begin well. During roll call, at about the third name, I raised my arm only to find that a large, florid-faced lady wearing a shiny, blue dress and a feather boa had also raised hers. Clearly, we couldn't both be Nadine Whatever. People looked over at me as though I had just outted myself and I shrank into the corner.
As it turned out, I was the only person found completely innocent in the end. My situation was just a simple missunderstanding after all. It was never in doubt. While most everyone was concerned about the outcome of their cases, I was really only concerned about my bodily functions. Be that as it may, mine was the very last case to be heard. I didn't mind waiting. I enjoyed the show and it was at least more interesting than meditation.
I must say, however, that the only people to acquit themselves well, (so to speak,) were the two other Wakefielders (Wakefieldians?) in attendance. They clearly had no chance. Still, they fought the good fight. One of them, a lovely lady I've noticed around the village, was so compelling that I'm convinced she's had legal training. Either that or she's no stranger to blatantly ignoring detour signs and quite familiar with the whole criminal system. She didn't look dangerous, but the really bad ones don't, do they(?)
Having said all that, I am pleased to report that I will in fact be free for this Wednesday's session which will include a silent forty-minute sitting. The session will be from 7 to 8 with tea and gruel afterward, at Art de la Paix, 9 Legion Rd. It will be open to new and hardened meditators alike.


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