the fuggers' convoy. 5.
5. in regard to one of the messages i've received following my previous posting, i must say that i highly doubt my opinions matter to many folks or influences any.
that being said, i'd nevertheless like to clarify that i personally do not care whether you've been vaccinated against small-pox, cholera, polio or berry-berry. in regard to the pandemic we've been living through these past two years, i believe that refusing the vaccine a spectacularly selfish position to have taken, but i don't hate you for it. and hopefully it'll soon be less of an issue. if, however, you think what is happening in ottawa is a wonderful event, i believe you are at best a naive fool and at worst a racist bully. you don't seem to care that you're joining a group of people who are torturing residents and who basically are holding the city hostage under an obvious threat of violence.
of course, again, everyone is sick of lockdowns and of course nobody likes the mandates. but it is super curious that, just at a time when things were opening up and mandates were obviously going to loosen, that a group of hateful people organized an anti-mandate 'protest' that has shut the city down again. and you think that a few hours singing 'we are the world' makes it ok.
good luck with that. ps; don't forget to donate so the organizers can further their causes. i presume you know what those are.
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