Monday, March 28, 2022

the fuggers' convoy. 1

  1. i've heard some pretty bizarre, laughable ideas and theories over the past couple of years. but right now, as huge trucks driven by small people hold ottawa citizens hostage, one refrain i've heard a few times by anti-vaccinated, anti-mandate people is: 'it's an historic event.' that line represents to me the very essence of the mentality of those people applauding the so-called and ludicrously entitled 'freedom convoy.' 

this is undoubtedly an historic event. it just doesn't happen to be a nice historic event. and the people who happily proclaim it as such are essentially proclaiming themselves to be what they are: selfish, self-oriented and ignorant people. they're illogical, ill-informed and apparently more than willing to align themselves with racist bullies if they're not themselves racist bullies. 

nobody loves vaccinations. certainly nobody likes lockdowns, shutdowns, wearing masks or whatever else has been introduced in an attempt to keep people alive. what everyone needs to decide is whether these measures, imperfect as they may be, have indeed been put in place to help. or has it all been to take advantage of us.

if those clearly misguided folks actually looked objectively at credible information, the science and data, they might still demonstrate, for one reason or another. i might even join in. but they certainly would not be supporting a 'demonstration' which is effectively, clearly the opposite of freedom.


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