Monday, July 6, 2020

seeing the forest for the trees.

“knowing trees, i understand the meaning of patience. knowing grass, i can appreciate persistence.” hal borland. 

the fields had been cut within the last few days. and i fully expect to see large round bales next time i go. it was spectacularly hot as i walked along, a shirt around my waist, a mosquito-net hat bunched up on top of my head. it was quiet, one of those walks during which one finds oneself under a sky that can best be described as big. 

i headed into the woods, just to see what was on the other side. there was no other side, however, at least i didn’t get to any other side. there was simply another field and more woods. i didn’t notice any creatures, but i can’t say there weren’t any. i came across a pile of something-or-other off to one side and tuna-fish was not my first guess, but there was no creature hovering nearby looking relieved.

be that as it may, i trundled along, appreciating the peace and freedom from all things pandemic. for during those moments, in those fields and in those woods there was no virus, no sickness. and sometimes all i need is to throw myself into the warm, loving embrace of a beautiful forest to be reassured that perfection is all around.

“march on, do not tarry. to go forward is to move toward perfection. march on and fear not the thorns or the sharp stones along life’s path.” khalil gibran.  


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